Title: Challenges for a National Cybersecurity Strategy
Date | Duration: Monday, September 16th, from 11:00 to 12:30
Speaker: Percival Henriques
Abstract: The implementation of a national cybersecurity strategy involves overcoming several challenges, ranging from the rapid evolution of digital threats to the need to strengthen cooperation between the public sector, private sector, and civil society. The increasing reliance on digital technologies makes countries more vulnerable to cyberattacks, which can compromise critical infrastructures, data security, and even national sovereignty. Thus, the first challenge is to create a solid normative and governance framework that balances technological innovation with cyber protection and resilience.
Additionally, another key challenge is the continuous training of professionals and raising awareness among society about good cybersecurity practices. The shortage of qualified personnel, combined with the low perception of risk among common users and organizations, worsens the situation. The national strategy needs to include investments in education, research, and development, as well as strengthen legislation and international collaboration, to ensure a comprehensive and effective approach to addressing digital threats.
Bio: A physicist and law graduate, Percival Henriques was the technical director of Inmetro/Imeq in Paraíba and is a specialist in Public Management from UFCG. He is also a specialist in Constitutional Law and Jurisdictional Protection of Rights from the University of Pisa, Italy, and a Master’s candidate in Law and Digital Citizenship at the Catholic University of Pernambuco. Currently, he serves as the president of the National Association for Digital Inclusion (ANID), is a full member of the CGI.BR Board, a full member and vice-president of the NIC.BR Board of Directors, Coordinator of the Security and Rights Chamber of CGI.BR, and a full member of CNCiber.