Cyber Defense Panel

Cyber Defense Panel

Duration: 60 minutes  

Opening (5 minutes): Introduction by the moderator, contextualizing the role of the Armed Forces and the GSI in national cyber defense, with emphasis on the Army’s investment in quantum technologies.  

Discussion (40 minutes): Each panelist will have up to 10 minutes to address the suggested topics. After each presentation, there will be a brief interaction among the panelists to promote an exchange of ideas.  

Q&A (15 minutes): Time for audience questions, focusing on bringing the public closer to the experts and allowing a direct exchange of knowledge and perspectives.



1. Evolution of Quantum Technologies in Brazil and Their Impact on Cyber Defense: The Army representative will discuss advances in quantum cryptography and other emerging technologies, addressing challenges and opportunities for national security.

2. Interinstitutional Integration in Cyber Defense: Exploration of how the Armed Forces and GSI coordinate and share cyber intelligence and resources, highlighting best practices and challenges in integrating cyber defense operations.

3. Perspectives on the Use of Artificial Intelligence and Automation for Cyber Defense: The representative of the Air Force’s DTI will discuss the growing use of AI for threat detection, automated responses, and analysis of large volumes of data.

4. Cyber Defense in Maritime Environments: The Navy’s Cyber Defense Squadron will present how the protection of maritime infrastructure and naval communications relates to current cybersecurity challenges.

5. Challenges of Governance and National Cybersecurity Policies: The GSI will conclude with insights on how national cybersecurity policy and strategy formulation aligns with technological developments and cooperation among military and civilian entities.