JBCS Special Edition

Special Edition of SBSeg 2024 in JBCS

The Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JBCS) is the primary journal of SBC and is classified as Qualis A2 by CAPES, based on the period from 2017 to 2020. Authors of the Selected Papers from SBSeg 2024 (24th Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security) will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for the special edition of JBCS.

The selection committee will select outstanding papers from both the main track and satellite events, including the Tools Session (SF), the Theses and Dissertations Competition in Information and Computational Systems Security (CTDSeg) and the Workshop on Scientific Initiation and Undergraduate Research (WTICG). Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to the JBCS.

Number of high quality papers expected to be selected and invited to the JBCS special issue:

Main tracks:
up to 3 best papers of crypto;
up to 15 best papers of systems;

up to 6 best papers;

up to 10 best papers, considering the high quality of the artifacts and the scientific innovation required for the publication of an extended version in a journal;

up to 3 best papers;

Selection committee for best papers selection

Altair Olivo Santin (PUCPR)

Cíntia Borges Margi (USP)

Diego Kreutz (UNIPAMPA)

Eduardo Feitosa (UFAM)

Lourenço Alves Pereira Júnior (ITA)

Marco Aurélio Amaral Henriques (Unicamp)

Raphael Machado (UFF)

Tiago Heinrich (MPI/DE)

Guest Editors

Diego Kreutz (UNIPAMPA)

Lourenço Pereira Júnior (ITA)

Altair Olivo Santin (PUCPR)

Tiago Heinrich (Instituto Max Planck de Informática e UFPR)

Instructions for authors of selected papers

Authors are invited to submit an extended version of their papers to JBCS. This extended version should include a revised edition of the original SBSeg 2024 paper with updated figures, text, and data. Additionally, it should incorporate at least 30% new content for full papers from the main track (originally 14 pages) and at least 50% to 70% new content for papers from other events due to the difference in page numbers (originally between 8 to 10 pages), covering various relevant technical aspects, recent advancements, and additional results. Authors should clearly indicate which parts of the text are new.

Initial timeline proposal

SBSeg Conference: 2024-09-16 – 2024-09-19

Submission Open Date: 2024-09-30

Manuscript Submission Deadline: 2025-01-31

First Round of Reviews Deadline: 2025-03-15

Revised Manuscript Submission Deadline: 2025-04-15

Second Round of Reviews / Editorial Acceptance Deadline: 2025-06-01

Expected date in which the special issue will be ready for production: 2025-08-01

Note: The special edition of JBCS was initially planned to highlight the best artifact papers with scientific innovation. The original idea was to have a separate special edition for the main track papers, targeting Computers & Security. However, after the decision on the acceptance of the JBCS special edition and considering the workload and time involved in a second special edition process for the main track papers, we decided to maintain a single special edition. Thus, we will select up to 10 high-quality papers with scientific innovation from the Tools Session, since this special edition was originally conceived for the best artifact papers.