13th Workshop on Computer Forensics (WFC)


The pervasive presence of the internet and the ubiquitous use of electronic devices for communication and processing have deeply woven technology into people’s lives. While this integration provides ample opportunities for interaction and collaboration, it also exposes vulnerabilities ripe for criminal exploitation.

Computer forensics is a specialized field dedicated to the collection, extraction, preservation, and analysis of digital evidence to facilitate investigation and audit processes. Its landscape is marked by significant challenges, ranging from technological complexities to legal and social barriers, demanding highly skilled professionals to navigate these complexities.

The 13th Workshop on Computer Forensics (WFC) is a forum featuring discussions, lectures, and technical presentations on cutting-edge regulations and technologies pertinent to computational forensics. Moreover,  it also seeks to identify research challenges and foster collaboration between researchers and industry experts.

The event companion proceedings will be published as open-access in SBC OpenLib (SOL) at

Important Dates

  • Deadline for extended abstract submission: July 05, 2024
  • Announcement of results: August 09, 2024
  • Camera Ready: August 16, 2024
Tópics of interest

Legal and Ethical Aspects of the Use of Computational Systems
Legal Aspects of Digital Evidence
Analysis of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) Campaigns
Analysis and Attribution of Malicious Codes
Traffic Analysis, Tracing, and Attribution of Attacks
Forensic Analysis of Virtualized Environments (Virtual Machines and Cloud)
Forensic Analysis of Memory and Storage
Forensic Analysis of Systems and Databases
Forensic Analysis of Embedded and Mobile Devices
Forensic Analysis of IoT (IP Cameras, Smart TVs, Video Games)
Detection of Pornography and Child Pornography
Detection of Creation and/or Tampering with Fake Images and/or Videos
Data Hiding and Discovery (Steganography and Steganalysis)
Data Recovery and Reconstruction
Development and Testing of Tools for Computational Forensics
Methods and Tools for Event Reconstruction
Incident Response and Real-Time Analysis
Anti-Forensic Techniques and Counter Anti-Forensic Techniques

Instructions for Authors

This edition of the WFC will feature guest lectures alongside contributions in the form of extended abstracts. Abstracts of up to 4 pages are invited to address a spectrum of topics including research challenges derived from practical problems, reports on successful or failed cases highlighting challenges and lessons learned, empirical studies showcasing practical insights, reports on the use of innovative methods, techniques, and tools, or speculative visions (technological or scientific) regarding the future of computational forensics.

Contributions may be submitted in either Portuguese or English, adhering to the formatting guidelines outlined by the SBC for article publication, available on the SBC portal ( Note that only the abstract is required. Submission of papers will be exclusively in PDF format via the SBC’s JEMS system: .

A program committee will review submissions, selecting those deemed suitable for presentation at the WFC. Accepted abstracts will be included in the proceedings of SBSeg.

Have a look at the new SBC CODE OF CONDUCT (, especially with regard to the use of Generative AI.

Technical Program Committee

Daniele Sucena, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Diego Kreutz, UNIPAMPA

Evandro Dalla Vecchia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Galileu Sousa, IFRN

Ivo Peixinho, Polícia Federal

João Benedito dos Santos Junior, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais


Giuliano Giova (Faculdade IBPTECH)
Galileu Batista (IFRN / Polícia Federal)

General Coordination

  • Lourenço Alves Pereira Júnior (ITA)
  • Diego Luis Kreutz (UNIPAMPA)

CESeg Coordination

  • Igor Moraes (UFF)
  • Marcos Antonio Simplicio Junior (USP)